Andrus Card Control 4 by Jerry Andrus Taught by John Redmon video DOWNLOAD. The in-depth teaching of moves taught here in
Volume 4 will allow you to begin to fully master and use the strength of the
Andrus Card Control approach. These moves are not difficult in their mechanics since they rely fully on the Diagonal Jog Push In Control taught in Volume 1. They are some of Jerry's most potent and versatile moves used by Jerry Andrus in his live shows.
The moves taught are:
The Sneak Peek (Single and multiple cards)
The Twivot Move (Twist + Pivot. Considered to be the most versatile move in
Andrus Card Control using multiple or single cards.)
Table Reverse Shuffle (Reversing one or more cards in the deck from a table riffle shuffle.)
The Four Ace Routine from
Andrus Card Control Drag Strip to Card Case (A move and choreographed sequence to steal a card from the deck and produce it from the card case.)
The Legendary Andrus Side Steal (Plus Jerry's version of a Delayed Side Steal.)
Banditry (Moves taught so far where you can put rubber bands around the deck and still execute the card controls.)
Download the video and begin learning these Jerry Andrus marvels.
Andrus Card Control 4 by Jerry Andrus Taught by John Redmon video DOWNLOAD