Top Drop by Shigeo Futagawa (watch video).
The performer offers to demonstrate a "magic spell", using a set of four cards. Three of the cards have letters on their faces; the fourth card has a contrasting back, and its face remains unshown for the time being.
The letters are arranged to spell the word "POT". The fourth card is turned face-up, and on it is seen a picture of a teapot, to match the word.
"Now for the magic," says the magician. "I'll make the cards into a completely different word. " The letters are rearranged, to spell "TOP". This doesn't seem very impressive -- until the picture card is turned over, and found to now have a top printed on its face.
The magic is taken a step further: the magician snaps the back of the card, and a real top, made of solid wood, impossibly drops out into the spectator's hands (table). As a final bit of mystery, the picture card is turned over one last time -- and it now has only the outline of a top on its face!!
*Come with full instructions, specially printed cards, and a real top(made of solid wood).
Top Drop by Shigeo Futagawa (watch video)